Work Weekend 3

Well we got to working on the car again this Saturday. We got quite a bit done, but also we were kind of brought down by the fact that car is still running really rough. Here are some before and after shots of the car.

Here is David and Chris working on the car. David is messing with the idle control unit (ICU) and Chris is doing something which I can only assume is important. He may have been removing the air conditioning radiator.
Working On The Car

Here are some more pictures of the car’s interior:
Anyone Want Some Speakers? Rear Interior

And here is the interior after removing pretty much everything from the car:
Stripped Front Cabin Rear Stripped

In other good news, we found a dollar and some change (I think it was a $1.48) in the car so we get to add that to the budget! w00t! Change We Found in the Car
